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Good Faith Estimate
If you're uninsured or plan to self-pay for healthcare, providers must give you a "good faith estimate" of expected charges when you schedule or request an estimate for a service.
This estimate isn't a bill but shows the expected costs based on known information, excluding any unforeseen expenses.
If the billed amount exceeds the estimate by $400 or more, you may be eligible to dispute the bill.
What the Good Faith Estimate Includes:
Expected charges for the primary item or service.
Expected charges for any other items or services related to the primary service for that period of care.
It may not include every service from another provider, even if connected to the primary service.
For example, if you're having surgery, it may cover surgery costs, anesthesia, lab services, and tests.
Some related services like pre-surgery appointments or post-surgery physical therapy may not be included.
Your Right to a Good Faith Estimate:
Providers must give you a good faith estimate after scheduling a healthcare item or service.
If scheduled at least 3 business days in advance, the estimate must be provided within 1 business day.
If scheduled or requested at least 10 business days in advance, the estimate must be given within 3 business days.
The estimate should include a list of each service and its details, like the service code.
It should be accessible to you, such as in large print, Braille, or audio formats.
Providers must explain the estimate verbally or in person upon request and provide a written estimate in your preferred format.
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